I am having memory leaks with Xalan/Xerces shipped with Websphere 5.1
happens in high volume only 
 Below is what I do ....
javax.xml.transform.Templates is cached in a static array, and reused
for each Transformation.

Like the below 
                                // init during servlet init
                                private static Templates[] styleHolder;
                                private TransformerFactory tf;
                                private Transformer t;
                                StreamSource ss = new
                                styleHolder[i] = (Templates)
                                // transforms in a jsp using custom tag
for multiple jsp

                                // transform from cache
                                Templates tmpl =
                                Transformer tf = tmpl.newTransformer();
                                // do the regular transform
                                StreamResult sr= new
                                tf.transform(xmlsrc, sr);

 I know this is not the right user group . 
  If any one is familiar with the problem please let me know ...


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