> Amazing, how fast you can fix bugs if you only want to!
Only if the bug broke something, then I have the responsibility to fix it as
soon as possible. and there was a formal bug report for it. This kind of
bugs can not be fixed by all users due to their lack of TeX programming
skills and I have got to fix it as soon as possible. But there are other
bugs which are minor and I can fix them at a later time. I can understand
why you are unhappy about this. But believe me that I am not annoying
anyone. I said that "I am totaly convienced about bidi pdf creator bug" and
I am surely will fix that. If I did not want to fix it, then I would not say
that. I hope these make a bit of sense. I do not like to be rude and if I
have been so, then I apologise from the bottom of my heart.

Best Wishes,


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