The following is the fonts used for English and Chinese, basically for

\setmainfont{AR PL UKai CN}
\newfontinstance\rmfont{Times New Roman}
\newcommand{\en}[1]{{\rmfont #1}}
\setmainfont{Times New Roman}
\newfontinstance\cnfont{AR PL UKai CN}
\newcommand{\cn}[1]{{\cnfont #1}}

I am still learning xetex. if anything wrong, please correct me.



On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 4:10 PM, Fr. Michael Gilmary <> wrote:

> Tiandao Li wrote:
>  Another question, I used textcomp package, so I can use \textcelsius for
>> temperature. However, the PDF file only show a square in the place of C.
>> after I commented out packages of xunicode and xltxtra. textcomp package
>> works fine. Why?
> Hi Tiandao
> I suspect the font you're using doesn't have that particular glyph. Try
> using another font that has it.
> --
> United in adoration of Jesus,
> fr. michael gilmary, mma
> Most Holy Trinity Monastery
> 67 Dugway Road
> Petersham, MA 01366-9725
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