On 30-04-2010 13:31, Philiрp Rеichmuth wrote:

I have participated in discussions both on newsgroups and on mailing
lists for ten years and I don't remember having ever been so attacked as

Sometimes people can be a bit abrasive. This are normally what gives IT a
bad name. Try not to care too much, it's a waste of your time.

That said: \XeTeXinputencoding works on the current file from the line
after the statement onwards, \XeTeXdefaultencoding works on all other
included files.

From what I understand, you want to keep the included files with your
chapters in CP1252. Are you absolutely forced to keep them in an 8-bit
encoding rather than UTF-8?

No. Thanks for your help but, as I already wrote elsewhere within this thread, I have already re-encoded my files.

(There may be any number of reasons for this
to be so, for example if you have to use other tools that are 8-bit only -
this is not exactly rare in the TeX world, BibTeX comes to mind, and if
you're near the end of a larger book project you may not have a replacement
available or be willing to change your toolchain.)

Fortunately, none of the participants in the project that I am working on used BibTeX.

Best regards,

Jose Carlos Santos

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