I would love to try this out, but i work using miktex2.8 on a windows 7(64)
where are instructions how to compile this (or even better download a build)
 on the MS platform ?


On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 2:12 AM, Jonathan Kew <jonat...@jfkew.plus.com>wrote:

> For those who like to live on the cutting (bleeding?) edge, there is a new
> version of xetex available in the source repository. Version 0.9996.0 is now
> available from the svn repository at:
>   http://scripts.sil.org/svn-public/xetex/BRANCHES/microtype
> This version supports "character protrusion", also known as margin kerning.
> The character protrusion feature is enabled by setting the parameter
> \XeTeXprotrudechars, equivalent to pdftex's \pdfprotrudechars.
> The protrusion values are set using \lpcode and \rpcode. For TFM fonts,
> these work in the same way as the pdftex versions; for non-TFM (i.e. native
> TrueType/OpenType) fonts, they accept either a Unicode character code
> (prefixed by the keyword "unicode"), a glyph name (prefixed by "name"), or a
> glyph number. Thus, in the example:
>    \font\x = "Charis SIL" at 10pt
>    \rpcode \x unicode "2C = 100
>    \rpcode \x name "comma" = 100
>    \rpcode \x 15 = 100
> the three \rpcode lines all have the exact same effect, as the comma glyph
> in this font has glyph ID 15.
> In most cases, setting character protrusion values via Unicode codepoints
> will be the simplest and most robust approach; glyph names and glyph IDs are
> provided for cases such as contextual forms that are not directly accessible
> via Unicode character codes.
> Note that LaTeX packages such as pdfcprot and microtype will not
> automatically work with this feature, but it should be possible to update
> them to recognize the new xetex version and handle it appropriately without
> too much difficulty.
> Many thanks to Han The Thanh for his work on this!
> JK
> --------------------------------------------------
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>  http://tug.org/mailman/listinfo/xetex

Avi Wollman אבי וולמן

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