Thanks -- I will certainly give that a try!


On May 3, 2010, at 4:51 PM, Andreas Matthias wrote:

> Stephen Moye wrote:
>> Success -- everything is working perfectly. Many thanks. Now I just  have
>> to be patient whilst microtype and friends are updated.
> If it's just for testing you might use microtype already as
> shown below. But please don't use this hack for anything
> else than testing. It will definitely wreak havoc with a
> lot of other packages. For sure.
> \newcount\pdftexversion\pdftexversion120
> \newcount\pdftexrevision\pdftexrevision0
> \newcount\pdfadjustspacing\pdfadjustspacing=0
> \def\pdfoutput{1}
> \let\pdfprotrudechars\XeTeXprotrudechars
> \def\pdffontexpand#1\relax{}
> \usepackage[protrusion,expansion=false]{microtype}
> Ciao
> Andreas
> --------------------------------------------------
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Stephen Moye

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