Am 22.06.2010 um 01:26 schrieb Heiko Oberdiek:

\XeTeXdefaultencoding "UTF-8"

I think that it is up to Jonathan and Heiko to figure out
why their coding creates this kind of undesirable interaction.

The problem is not related to hyperref:

\XeTeXdefaultencoding "UTF-8"

It shows the string "OT1/cm".


\XeTeXdefaultencoding "UTF-8"

This shows "d...@ot1m".

And when the \XeTeXdefaultencoding line is commented in all these cases then no output is generated – looks indeed like a XeTeX bug.

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


Das Militär ist eine Pflanze, die mensch sorgfältig pflegen muss, damit sie keine Früchte trägt.
                                (Jacques Tati)

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