
Ok, I was wondering about that. In the past I've used the Ezra SIL font. I've 
not had occasion to work with Hebrew yet since the transition, so I'll keep all 
this in mind when the time comes.



>>> On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 10:58 PM, in message <4c7486ba.3090...@verizon.net>,
David Perry <hospes.pri...@verizon.net> wrote: 

> On 8/24/2010 8:17 PM, Gareth Hughes wrote:
>> The fontspec manual discusses the difference between ICU and AAT font
>> handling. Macs use the latter, Linux and other operating systems use the
>> former.
> This is true, but remember that OS X can also use Windows-style TrueType 
> or OpenType fonts with no problem for standard scripts.  In 10.4 Apple 
> added support for OpenType Arabic, but not for Hebrew (as far as I know).
> So if you are using, e.g., the SBL Hebrew font (which doesn't come in a 
> native AAT version) you would need to declare the script in order to 
> activate the ICU renderer and get support for mark positioning via the 
> OT features built into the font, whereas you wouldn't do so when working 
> with a native AAT font.
> David
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