El ago 31, 2010, a las 4:43 p.m., Peter Baker escribió:

> On 8/31/10 6:51 AM, Vafa Khalighi wrote:
>> I believe that in any case the original developer should write the main 
>> documentation not anyone else simply because the original developer 
>> implemented the software and he knows absolutely every single detail about 
>> his software and what he has implemented.
> But developers are not always good writers. Our Will Robertson has produced a 
> great manual for fontspec, but some TeX developers who have written manuals 
> would have done better to recruit someone else to do it for them. A 
> developer's duty is to write well commented code, and to be willing to work 
> with writers of documentation to help them get it right.

There is an interesting paper titled "If writers can't program and programmers 
can't write, who's writing user documentation?" -- see 


Shrisha Rao

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