On Wed, Sep 01, 2010 at 01:37:56PM +0930, Will Robertson wrote:

> On 2010-08-31 00:02:43 +0930, Heiko Oberdiek
> <heiko.oberd...@googlemail.com> said:
> >However it's quite incomplete, two examples:
> >* \suppressfontnotfounderror is missing
> >* For the correct syntax of \XeTeXpdffile I had to look into
> >  the sources of XeTeX.
> I've added \suppressfontnotfounderror to the source:
>    http://github.com/wspr/xetexref
> Will update to CTAN sooner or later. (I have trouble doing so from
> behind the proxy at uni.)
> I don't know the syntax of \XeTeXpdffile either, so contributions
> accepted.

\XeTeXpdffile <filename> [page <int>] [crop|media|bleed|trim|art]
  [scaled <int>|xscaled <int>|yscaled <int>
  |width <dimen>|height <dimen>
  |rotated <decimal>]*

The first two options are specific for PDF files (\XeTeXpdffile),
thus the syntax of \XeTeXpicfile is

\XeTeXpicfile <filename>
  [scaled <int>|xscaled <int>|yscaled <int>
  |width <dimen>|height <dimen>
  |rotated <decimal>]*

<filename> is the usual file name argument of \input, \openin, ...
It must not terminated by \relax if options are given.
<int> and <dimen> are the usual integer or dimen specifications
of vanilla TeX. However <decimal> is introduced by XeTeX and
needs more investigating.

Yours sincerely
  Heiko Oberdiek

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