Am 14.09.2010 um 08:49 schrieb Marc van Dongen:

> Fr. Michael Gilmary <> wrote:

> : \texteuro (or enter it directly as unicode = ? or \char"20AC);

Maybe "The Comprehensive LATEX Symbol List" 
could be helpfull in some cases. But many of the 5913 symbols and their 
equivalent LaTeX command depends on packages that may or may not work with 
XeLaTeX. \usepackage{xunicode} can help, it's worth to seek out the 
xunicode.sty file and examine its content (try: less `kpsewhich xunicode.sty`)

BTW, the LaTeX equivalent of the TeX-command \char... is \symbol{...}, e.g. 
\symbol{"20AC}. Not much difference but a little bit more readable for LaTeX 
users IMO.


Dr. Joachim Trinkwitz     E-Mail:
Institut für Germanistik, Tel.: 0228-737565
Vergleichende Literatur-  Fax: 0228-737479
und Kulturwissenschaft
der Universität Bonn      53012 Bonn

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