On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 07:00:40AM -0700, Michiel Kamermans wrote:

> Heiko,
> >for debugging purposes I need a lower PDF minor version number for the PDF 
> >file generated by XeTeX.
> Wait, do you just need a lower version number, or a PDF built to a
> lower version specification?

I want to read the dictionaries in uncompressed form.
Therefore I need a PDF without object compression of PDF-1.5.

Thus correctly I must make another feature request:
* Turning object compression on and off.

xdvipdfmx only provides:
  -z number   Set zlib compression level (0-9) [9]

> Because the first is a job for
> GhostScript, not for the output driver. However, if you need a PDF
> built to 1.4 or 1.3 or even lower spec, then I'd agree it would be
> good to have a way to make XeTeX tell the output driver to generate
> a lower version style PDF.

There is another communication problem: Suppose, there is a package
that can generate PDF code for different PDF versions
(probably mostly by enabling/disabling features), then the
package does not know the output pdf version.

Therefore, support for pdfTeX's
would be nice.

Yours sincerely
  Heiko Oberdiek

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