Dear Folks,

This is a beamer-xelatex question on a problem that arises with xelatex but not with pdflatex, and is hence likely to be xelatex-related.

The following is a minimal test file:

%\usepackage{fontspec} % Comment out this line for compilation with pdflatex
\begin{frame}{Slide One}
  Contents of Slide One
\begin{frame}{Slide Two}
  Contents of Slide Two
\begin{frame}{Slide Three}
  Contents of Slide Three

If the second line is commented out as shown and the file compiled with pdflatex, the navigation links at the bottom of each slide are active.

If the second line is uncommented and the file compiled with xelatex, the navigation links still show up but are neither active nor functional.

FYI, I am on a Kubuntu system running the Ubuntu texlive-2009 packages but using the latest pgf and beamer bundles from CTAN. fontspec is 2008/08/09 v1.18.

I am grateful for any suggestion to overcome this problem and am willing to upgrade to TeXLive 2010 if this will solve my problem.

Many thanks.


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