On Oct 10, 2010, at 10:48 PM, David Perry wrote:

On 10/10/2010 5:31 PM, Alan Munn wrote:
On Oct 10, 2010, at 4:26 PM, David Perry wrote:

This seems to be my day for font problems.

1. What is the correct way to specify a font in exact point size when
running XeLaTeX? (This is for the cover page of a book where \Huge
isn't big enough.) The LaTeX command \fontsize{60}{66pt} does not work
-- it comes out much smaller than 60 pts, although there is no
compilation error.

Did you do \selectfont afterwards?
No. I use XeLaTeX and fontspec 99% of the time, so I'm not too swift with older plain LaTeX commands. Thanks (and to Pete also)-- now it works.

And also usually pt is assumed, so
you should do \fontsize{60}{66}\selectfont (I don't know if having pt
matters or not).
According to Kopka and Daly's _Guide to LaTeX_, \fontsize{60}{66pt} is the correct format, i.e., you are supposed to specify units for the line spacing. (I looked this up when trying to make it work before I posted here!) I have no idea why one unit is specified and the other isn't.

I think this is not really required. The latex2e reference documentation says both default to points. Theoretically either argument could have any other kind of unit.


Alan Munn

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