
I already reported this problem a week ago, but maybe the message got lost. 
The following latex-file produces wrong spacing when compiled with xelatex, but 
proper spacing when compiled with lualatex.

\setmainfont{CMU Serif}

\setmathfont{Neo Euler}

\[  \sum_{i=1}^n \ldots\]

The result with xelatex looks as follows:

Attachment: sumxelatex.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

while the result with lualatex look as follows:

Attachment: sumlualatex.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

The obvious workaround, namely to use lualatex, is not good for me. I am 
actively using the input-mapping feature of xetex for editing a cyrillic 
(serbian) book that is written in latinica.

Does anybody have an idea, what is going on, and how I can circumvent the 
problem in xelatex?

Many thanks,

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