Hello Ross,

Thanks for the response.

Why use Word... well, because I've just migrated to Mac from Windows, and it 
never occurred to me to use wc. Even though I've done a fair amount of Unix 
stuff since the move, there's still a lot of past experience to overcome! So 
thanks for reminding me about this. A much preferable solution. I'll respond to 
the other issue off-list for the moment.

I understand that at this point, this whole issue doesn't appear to be a XeTeX 
issue--when I first posted, it did, because first time around it was also 
associated with a host of other oddities which I've now decided were caused by 
the Windows-to-OS X migration but which I didn't recognize as such.


>>> On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at  3:49 PM, in message
> Why use Word for the character count?
> In a terminal, the wc command will do this, returning the number of lines, 
> words and characters.
> E.g.  wc myfile.tex  will give these numbers.
> Or if your sources have lots of TeX macros, then copy from the PDF and paste 
> into a TextEdit document, or into any text editor application and save as 
> text.
> Then run wc on that. 
> Just keep clear of Word, when you don't really need it.
> By the way, if Libertine is your font, and you are extracting text from 
> PDFs, would you please check a problem that someone else reported recently. 
> This was concerning ligatures not copying correctly; the ff fi fl ffl ffi 
> ligatures would not paste as the separate letters, from Acrobat Reader as the 
> PDF browser, but as capitals U, V, ... according to their glyph position in 
> the Type1 font. This was using dvips+gs and the libertine.sty package, rather 
> than XeTeX, but it would be good to have evidence that it works fine using 
> other methods. 
>> K
> Hope this helps,
>           Ross
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