Ok, what I did was download MacTeX2010... Then I used the TeXLive utility to 
upgrade modules as it became evident that they were either missing or (already) 
out of date.

If there's a better way to do this, I'll be happy to use it. (Depending upon 
where I am, upgrade all is/isn't an option; but I can do it periodically, if 
that's the wise thing to do. I generally don't do this sort of thing so as only 
to get things I need, and when they've stabilized.)


>>> On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 11:26 AM, in message
<aanlktimcmgstdy-v4pmczf5dse2+v2358qjs73jfh...@mail.gmail.com>, Dominik
Wujastyk <wujas...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> There's an issue here, Phil, about where and how Karljurgen got his
> distribution.  If he got it through the Ubuntu aptitude system, or similar,
> then he'll have got the original first release of TL2010, without any of the
> updates that have been issued since its first release.  The Ubuntu built-in
> distro of TL doesn't get regular, automatic updates.  Basically, if you get
> your TL through the debian/aptitude pipeline, then you have one version of
> everything for a year, until TL2011 comes out.
> Using tlmgr means unintalling the whole TeXlive system from Ubuntu - using
> the aptitude interface.  Then you have to reinstall everything again over
> the net (here <http://www.tug.org/texlive/acquire-netinstall.html>).  It's
> not hard, but it's a bit daunting for beginners.
> Best,
> Dominik
> On 12 November 2010 17:14, Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd) <
> p.tay...@rhul.ac.uk> wrote:
>>  Howdy,
>>> There have been many updates since TL2010 was frozen. Learn to use tlmgr
>>> to update TL on your system.
>> Herb, is "learn to use TLMGR" not a little harsh ?
>> The gentleman concerned downloaded TL2010 only yesterday
>> afternoon; he almost certainly believes that it is therefore
>> about as up-to-date as one can possibly get.
>> Philip Taylor
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