
I find that when a Roman-based fontspec mapping is used in a chapter title or a 
ToC entry in a memoir document, it causes an error if the input text (not the 
output) offends (Xe)TeX in some way; thus, `kR^ishhNaM vande jagadgurum.h' 
(which should simply be rendered as कृष्णं वन्दे जगद्गुरुम्) causes a problem 
because (Xe)TeX thinks `R^i' can only occur in math mode.  Other input texts do 
not seem to cause such a problem, and the same string also causes no problem 
inside a chapter (only in chapter titles and ToC entries).

See the attached minimal example, which uses the xetex-itrans package from 
CTAN, as well as the Code2000 and Latin Modern families of fonts.  The file 
should compile cleanly as given, but when the text enclosed inside the \eat{ 
... } is brought out by commenting out the macro invocation, the problem will 

Any help appreciated.  Thanks in advance.


Shrisha Rao

Attachment: minimal.tex
Description: Binary data

Attachment: minimal.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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