Hello Michiel.

Thanks a lot for this package.

There's a small typo in the documentation; if I understand well the paragraph 
4.3 should read \setTransitionsFor[3], not \setTransitions[3].

Without polyglossia (essai1.tex below) I got the expected result, but with 
polyglossia (essai2.tex) XeTeX seems to enter an infinite loop; the error 
message is:

./essai2.tex:15: TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [save size=50000].
<argument> ...ex \...@gobble \let \glossary \...@gobble 
l.15 भ
        वान्कः। \\
No pages of output.
Transcript written on essai2.log.



Attachment: essai1.tex
Description: Binary data

Attachment: essai2.tex
Description: Binary data

Le 21 déc. 2010 à 17:53, Michiel Kamermans a écrit :

> Hi Yves (and everyone else)
> the ucharclasses package is now on CTAN 
> (http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/xetex/latex/ucharclasses/), so if you 
> want to see if it breaks in combination with how you use polyglossia, let  me 
> know what the result is.
> - Mike "Pomax" Kamermans
> nihongoresources.com
> --------------------------------------------------
> Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:
> http://tug.org/mailman/listinfo/xetex

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