On 2/21/2011 4:22 AM, Ulrike Fischer wrote:
listings changes the \lccode of certain chars (including the slash,
which has lccode 47 with listings) and TeX now things the slash is a

This problematic behaviour has been discussed a year ago
most importantly see the last posting of Dan Luecking), but I don't
know if someone notified the current maintainer Brooks Moses.

Thanks, for once it wasn't my fault! Well, apart from the fact that I'm still back in 2009... Guess I should try installing TexLive 2010, before the 2011 version comes out.
        Mike Maxwell
        "A library is the best possible imitation, by human beings,
        of a divine mind, where the whole universe is viewed and
        understood at the same time... we have invented libraries
        because we know that we do not have divine powers, but we
        try to do our best to imitate them." --Umberto Eco

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