On 2011-04-13 11:21, Peter Dyballa wrote:
> Am 13.04.2011 um 10:10 schrieb Pander:
>> When to use
>> %!TEX TS-program = xelatex
>> Is it only for the file containing the \documentclass or also for all
>> files which are included?
>> When to use
>> %!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
>> I assume it is for all .tex files. Correct?
> Isn't it documented in the TeXShop Help?
> I'm not using TeXShop that much, so I can only tell you that it does
> *not* work to mix TeX files with different text (input) encodings. And
> since it does not work to compile in TeX just some included file, the
> "TS-program" header belongs only into the root document. All included
> files are processed by the same engine which starts to process the root
> file.
> OTOH, it makes sense to tell TeXShop exactly that all files have a
> particular (input) encoding that TeXShop can display all files
> correctly. So the encoding header should be present in all files TeXShop
> might open to display.

OK, so %!TEX TS-program is only for TeXShop. Is that also the case for
%!TEX encoding? I'm not using TeXShop but Emacs and I was wondering if
Emacs interprets %!TEX encoding as well or I need to use something

> BTW, the "%!" mark is (more or less) reserved for PostScript files.
> Better use "%%!" instead!



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