> Can you name one single movie of Hollywood which was not offensive to
> Persians?
> Err, Terminator?

You really did not understand the question or you are trying to make fun?

>   or Let me ask my question the other way, Can you name a movie that has
> been made about any of Persian heros? A movie about Cyrus the great? a movie
> about Dariush the great? a movie about Ariobarzanes? A movie about Surena?
> and the list goes on.
> There are many unsung `heroes' in Hollywood.

but there were some Greek heros that they could make movie about them,

> That is absolutely stupid. Homosexuality (if one can conflate what this
> term denotes now and a reality more than 2000-year old) existed in ancient
> Greece, but elsewhere too.
> How do you expect to be respected and well-considered if you go on with
> such prejudice yourself?

That was not what I meant. He said Greeks were unhappy because in the movie,
they showed Alexander a homesexual. What I meant was that The first
homosexuals were officially (or what other word that best describes it)
found in Greece, I did not say they did not exist in Iran.

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