On Jun 19, 2011, at 7:53 AM, Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:
> Peter Dyballa wrote:
>> You could specify the renderer engine! Fontspec allows
>> \fontspec[Renderer=AAT]{font}
> Is this meaningfully true for all platforms ?  One of the
> few downsides to XeTeX is that sometimes a feature is
> platform-dependent yet the documentation and/or correspondence
> never mentions this fact.

Rather than entering into a long discussion with Pete about this, perhaps you 
could have verified your information by checking the documentation first, 
before accusing it of failing to mention things.

Section 12.3 of the fontspec manual: "XeTeX supports two rendering technologies 
for typesetting, selected with the Renderer font feature. The first, AAT, is 
that provided (only) by Mac OS X itself. The second, ICU, is an open source 
OpenType interpreter. It provides much greater support for OpenType features, 
notably contextual arrangement, over AAT."

Section 13 of the fontspec manual: "13  Mac OS X’s AAT fonts"

Since almost everyone on this list has read the fontspec manual, the chances 
that a message which specifically mentioned the two font technologies in the 
context of the Mac OS would be misinterpreted seems miniscule.

This is a useful and friendly list. Let's keep it that way.


Alan Munn

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