On 1 Jul 2011, at 17:20, Petr Tomasek wrote:
>> So, try:
>> \noindent \beginR \indent Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing 
>> elit. Mauris luctus accumsan vulputate. Vivamus vel lacus nunc, a dictum 
>> lacus. Duis rutrum, odio blandit dapibus facilisis, ipsum neque vestibulum 
>> ligula, ut vulputate leo nisl eget dolor. Donec luctus consequat porta. Duis 
>> tristique elit in sapien vulputate non pulvinar felis interdum. Praesent 
>> auctor eleifend sollicitudin. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec congue 
>> congue interdum. Suspendisse vel dictum nulla. Nullam sit amet mi ut libero 
>> blandit scelerisque.\par
>> Or just precede a series of paragraphs with:
>> \everypar={\setbox0=\lastbox \beginR \box0 }
> Ok, thank a lot!
> Don't I need to put \endR somewhere so that it's balanced?
> Perhaps that's what puzzled me...

No. See the e-TeX documentation for more details about \beginR, etc.

>> for automatic RTL-ness. (Explanation: \lastbox is used to retrieve the box 
>> that was inserted for the original automatic (LTR) paragraph indent; then 
>> after switching directionality, we put it back again so as to get the indent 
>> at the right end.)
> Ok, that's clear. Will \leftskipt and \rightskipt then be quasi switched too?

Not if I recall correctly - left is still left, and right is still right.


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