On 2011-08-16 00:07, Ross Moore wrote:
Hello Steve,
On 15/08/2011, at 4:27 PM, Steve Deckelman wrote:
Dear Ross, I came across one of your posts on the net. Would you know if there is
something like a "pinyin" package for xelatex? Something similar to the one
for CJK that would allow me to type set things like \Wo2 and have it typeset in pinyin
with accent 2.
Please post to the XeTeX mailing list.
Someone there is likely to be able to help with such technical
You could create a TECkit mapping with all possible syllables
(in all possible case variations), or even better, write a
script which writes the mapping. In fact I might just go about
doing that if someone can suggest somewhere to host it.
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