2011/9/12 Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) <p.tay...@rhul.ac.uk>:
> Tobias Schoel wrote:
>> Shouldn't real dinosaurs (real as in MTV Real Life) calculate using only the 
>> Peano Axioms and the unary system? I mean, the natural numbers and the peano 
>> axioms are nature given / god given (choose whatever you like) and every 
>> human before homo sapiens had only the cognitive capabilities to use the 
>> unary system: “Hey, I saw ||||| deer, let's go hunt them.” “Oh no, I saw ||| 
>> lions, they would kill us.”
> Are you sure ? My understanding of palæoanthropology is that, long
> before man was able to differentiate ||||| deer from |||||||| deer,
> he could tell | deer from || deer from > || deer, and that was the
> limit of his calculating ability.
I am not an expert but I have seen in some internet textbook of
Sanskrit that originally there were just three numerals: one, two,
many. This is probably a reason why some languages have singular, dual
and plural.

> ** Phil.
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