2011/9/13  <rhin...@postmail.ch>:
> Hi All,
>     I want to develop/adapt some personal styles to XeTeX (to include
> polyglossia instead of babel for instance).
> I want however to keep the compatibility with other TeX engines. Long
> ago I have used a portable test but I don't remember exactly the command.
> I have done a quick research on the web, but without much interesting result.
> For what I remember, the command was similar to "\ifXeTeX...".
\ifxetex (see ifxetex.sty)
I did such type of switching in another way. The main package contains
something like \RequirePackage{subpackage} and I have two
subpackage.sty files. XeLaTeX looks first to directories under
$TEXMF/tex/xelatex, this is the place where the XeLaTeX's
subpackage.sty is located while the "old-style" LaTeX's subpackage.sty
is somewhere below $TEXMF/tex/latex.
If you decide to use my package zwpagelayout, you can find its
switches that are based upon the ifxetex and ifpdf packages.

> Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
> best regards,
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Zdeněk Wagner

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