Am 25.09.2011 um 10:55 schrieb

> Yes I would prefer not to install GFS Didot in the font 
> directory of Windows and thus not to use the font service 
> for this font.

There are two or three possible options…

You could put the fonts into the same directory as the TeX file. This way you 
might not need to specify a relative path to the font file.

In case DOS really has no idea of relative paths, you could try to use the UNIX 
version, hoping that UNIX software like XeTeX or xdvipdfmx can understand it. 
"." stands for right here, ".." stands for one level above, "/" stands inside 
of a path for a path separator. "./some name.file" means the file "some 
name.file" is here in this directory, "../../this directory/that 
directory/another directory/some name.file" stands for a file that can be 
accessed in a directory three levels below a directory that is two levels above 
this one.



They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety 
deserve neither liberty nor safety.
                -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania

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