> Am 16.10.2011 um 20:33 schrieb Hendrik Maryns:
>> I installed stix fonts, but how do I call it in fontspec?

Using fontspec, you can simply use the STIX font file names. Here is
an example using the "General" STIX fonts:

  Extension      = {.otf},
  UprightFont    = {*},
  BoldFont       = {*Bol},
  ItalicFont     = {*Italic},
  BoldItalicFont = {*BolIta},
default font:  abcdefgABCDEFG \\
STIX font: abcdefgABCDEFG


On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 4:44 PM, Joachim Trinkwitz <j...@uni-bonn.de> wrote:
> Am 16.10.2011 um 20:33 schrieb Hendrik Maryns:
>> I installed stix fonts, but how do I call it in fontspec?
> Try 'otfinfo -i' on the font file, best bet is the "PostScript name".
> Joachim
> --
> Dr. Joachim Trinkwitz     E-Mail: j...@uni-bonn.de
> Institut für Germanistik, Tel.: 0228-737565
> Vergleichende Literatur-  www.germanistik.uni-bonn.de
> und Kulturwissenschaft    www.comicforschung.uni-bonn.de
> der Universität Bonn      53012 Bonn
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