Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

Chris, these statements have to be wrong, at least in part :
if TeX does not link against Zlib, then neither does LaTeX --
they are one and the same engine. -- ditto -- LibJpeg.

Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa :

C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\v2.0>tex
This is TeX, Version 3.1415926 (Web2C 2010)
No pages of output.
Transcript written on texput.log.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\v2.0>latex
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.11 (Web2C 2010)
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2009/09/24>
Babel <v3.8l> and hyphenation patterns for english, dumylang, nohyphenation, ge
rman-x-2009-06-19, ngerman-x-2009-06-19, afrikaans, ancientgreek, ibycus, arabi
c, armenian, basque, bulgarian, catalan, pinyin, coptic, croatian, czech, danis
h, dutch, ukenglish, usenglishmax, esperanto, estonian, ethiopic, farsi, finnis
h, french, galician, german, ngerman, swissgerman, monogreek, greek, hungarian,
 icelandic, assamese, bengali, gujarati, hindi, kannada, malayalam, marathi, or
iya, panjabi, tamil, telugu, indonesian, interlingua, irish, italian, kurmanji,
 lao, latin, latvian, lithuanian, mongolian, mongolianlmc, bokmal, nynorsk, pol
ish, portuguese, romanian, russian, sanskrit, serbian, slovak, slovenian, spani
sh, swedish, turkish, turkmen, ukrainian, uppersorbian, welsh, loaded.


so they are not the same binary.  Sincere apologies, Chris.
** Phil.

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