I did have a map lying around for that. I'll take a look when I get home.

On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 17:27, Daniel Greenhoe <dgreen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you Andy and Peter for your feedback. I did try including Andy's
> suggested code in the preamble and
> {\begin{textipaeEnvironment} TA@2"DENSU \end{textipaeEnvironment}} in
> the document.
> But I was told that textipaEnvironment is undefined. With an error
> message like that, it is quite possible that I did something wrong.
> But I think at this point, I would like  to pursue the TECkit map
> solution. At least in my mind (and maybe in my mind only) it could
> lead to a possibly more "elegant" solution...and it would probably be
> easier for me to maintain (since in part I am not really a Tex
> programmer).
> Thank you again,
> Dan
> On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 5:23 PM, Peter Dyballa <peter_dyba...@web.de> wrote:
>> Am 24.10.2011 um 00:57 schrieb Daniel Greenhoe:
>>> I am talking about these for example ...
>>>   T  ==> theta ('124)
>>>   A  ==> script A ('101)
>>>   @ ==> schwa ('100)
>>>   2  ==> turned V ('062)
>>>   D  ==> Eth ('104)
>>>   E  ==> epsilon ('105)
>>>   N  ==> right-tail n ('357)
>>>   S  ==> Esh ('123)
>>>   U  ==> upsilon ('125)
>>>   "   ==> vertical stroke superior ('042)
>> Something like this mapping can be achieved. Normal text could be set with 
>> an "unmodified" version of GNU Freefont, while you could create \textipa{} 
>> as using the same font with the ASCII2tipa mapping. So your document would 
>> use kind of two fonts. A "textipaEnvironment" seems not useful. When inside 
>> it only IPA characters would be used you could switch to the mapped font, 
>> when normal and mapped characters are used there is no means to distinguish 
>> between them, so you would need to use \textipa{}.
>> --
>> Greetings
>>  Pete
>> Well begun is half done.
>>                        – Optimist.
>> Half done is well begun.
>>                        – Realist.
>> Half begun is well done.
>>                        – Australian.
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