Hello Daniel,

On 30/10/2011, at 21:41, Daniel Greenhoe <dgreen...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 5:50 PM, Ross Moore <ross.mo...@mq.edu.au> wrote:
>>> With Xunicode loaded, does this not do what you want?
>>>  c\textsubring{b}c
> On ctan at http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/xetex/latex/xunicode
> there is no documentation about xunicode other than a brief readme. Is
> there currently any documentation available somewhere that might
> describe the commands (like \textsubring) and other facilities
> available via the xunicode package?

No. Practically every LaTeX macro from standard packages supporting legacy font 
encodings, resulting in a character or accent/diacritic that has a Unicode code 
point, has a corresponding declaration in Xunicode, for backward compatibility 
reasons. There is no point in describing how these are used. That is the job of 
the legacy packages, and would result in hundreds, if not thousands, of pages 
of documentation that could never be definitive anyway.

The file xunicode.sty is a plain text file, with a History section. You can 
search for the Hex string of a specific character, to find whether it is 
implemented or not. This will find the name of the macro, and usually will 
locate other characters in the same Unicode block, or having similar 

> Dan

Hope this helps,


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