On Fri, Nov 04, 2011 at 10:21:41AM +0000, Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) 
> Robin Fairbairns wrote:
> >except phil doesn't use latex, so can't use polyglossia.
> True.  But Khaled Hosny's solution was perfect:
> >\input knuth
> >\uselanguage{british} % or ukenglish or UKenglish, all synonyms
> >\input knuth
> >\bye
> once I realised that "\input Knuth" was neither required
> nor productive !

Sorry, that was a bit of ConTeXtish habit of using knuth.tex as a test
and I thought it is obvious (now I realise that it is even part of
ConTeXt and you might not even have it unless you installed ConTeXt).


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