2011/11/11 Le Farfadet Spatial <le.farfadet.spat...@free.fr>:
> Hello everybody out there!
> On 11/11/2011 13:55, Oleg Parashchenko wrote:
>> how does XeTeX process the unicode symbol \u00a0 (non-breaking space),
>> * just like any other glyph, or
>> * there is some hidden magic to interpret the symbol as a space with
>> special properties?
> I have processed by mistake some code including the non-breaking space
> symbol. It has been processed as quite a large non breaking space, so the
> reaction is the one expected. Anyway, you shouldn't use this symbol: XeTeX
> process the code and add non breaking space symbol when needed, and it uses
> the rules of presentation of the language in which the text you are
> processing is written. Using non breaking space symbol leads to a document
> no totally well composed. If you are in need of a non breaking space, use
> tilda (~).
How does XeTeX convert \language to the rules for inserting
nonbreakable spaces after nonsyllabic prepositions in Czech and
Slovak? How does it know that I am in "verbatim" mode and the
nonbreakable spaces must not be used?

> Best regards.
> Yoann
> --
> L'antre du farfadet :
> http://le.farfadet.spatial.free.fr/
> Textes, musiques et peintures
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Zdeněk Wagner

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