Thank you for your fast reply.

2011/12/3 Zdenek Wagner <>:
> It is described in LaTeX documentation that \chapter
> contains implicitely \thispagestyle{plain}

Then isn't this a bug with LaTeX's \chapter command? For example, this
has the same problem (no fancychap, no fancyhdr):

\chapter{This Chapter}
\ldots first page \ldots
\clearpage \ldots second  page \ldots
\clearpage \ldots third   page \ldots

Can't the \chapter command know that there is no footer and that the
default page style is "headings"? If it can know these things, why
does it still insist on reverting to pagestyle{plain} and putting a
page number outside the legitimate printable area?

Is there really no way I can blame this on something besides myself?


2011/12/3 Zdenek Wagner <>:
> 2011/12/3 Daniel Greenhoe <>:
>> When using the fancychap package with the "Glenn" option and *no
>> footer*, there seems to be a minor problem:
>> When starting a new chapter, the package still attempts to put a page
>> number in the footer even though there is supposed to be no footer.
>> Besides the brute-force solution of placing "\thispagestyle{empty}"
>> with every chapter declaration (or an equivalent "\newchapter" macro
>> solution), is there any more "elegant" solution to the problem?
>> Shouldn't this be considered as a bug in the fancychap code?
> I have looked at your code and briefly at fncychap. As I can see,
> fncychap dos not do anything with headers and footer, you do it with
> fancyhdr. How can fncychap know about other packages? It is described
> in LaTeX documentation that \chapter contains implicitely
> \thispagestyle{plain}, thus it cannot be considered a bug that the
> feature is preserved in a package. You can only submit a feature
> request of adding header.footer definition to fncychap.
>> Here is an example (see attachments also):
>> \documentclass{book}
>> \usepackage[Glenn]{fncychap}
>> \usepackage{fancyhdr}
>> \usepackage{geometry}
>> \geometry{
>>  xetex,paper=a4paper,
>>  centering,twoside,
>>  includehead,nofoot,
>>  margin=15mm,
>>  nomarginpar,
>>  showframe
>>  }
>> \fancyhf[HER,HOL]{}
>> \fancyhf[HOC,HEC]{}
>> \fancyhf[HOR,HEL]{page \thepage}
>> \fancyhf[FOL,FER]{}
>> \fancyhf[FOC,FEC]{}
>> \fancyhf[FOR,FEL]{}
>> \begin{document}%
>> \chapter{This Chapter}
>> %\thispagestyle{empty}
>> \ldots first page \ldots
>> \clearpage \ldots second  page \ldots
>> \clearpage \ldots third   page \ldots
>> \clearpage \ldots forth   page \ldots
>> \clearpage \ldots fifth   page \ldots
>> \clearpage \ldots sixth   page \ldots
>> \clearpage \ldots seventh page \ldots
>> \clearpage \ldots eigth   page \ldots
>> \end{document}%
>> Many thanks in advance,
>> Dan
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> --
> Zdeněk Wagner
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