On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 11:29 PM, Philip TAYLOR <p.tay...@rhul.ac.uk> wrote:
> When typesetting this year's Christmas newsletter, I ran into
> real problems with the names of one of my friends, who in
> Pinyin requires a third-tone u ("ǔ"); neither in TeXworks
> nor in the final typeset document could I get this to appear.

Hi Philip,

Wouldn't a simple \v{u} render sufficient quality?


On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 11:29 PM, Philip TAYLOR <p.tay...@rhul.ac.uk> wrote:
> Dear XeTeX & TeXworks users ...
> When typesetting this year's Christmas newsletter, I ran into
> real problems with the names of one of my friends, who in
> Pinyin requires a third-tone u ("ǔ"); neither in TeXworks
> nor in the final typeset document could I get this to appear.
> In TeXworks, it appeared as a heavy solidus; in the typeset
> document, as a blank space. Is this a really rare character
> in font terms, and if not, which fonts would you recommend
> for (a) TeXworks, and (b) the final typeset document ?  In
> the end, I had to substitute "ŭ", which is superficially
> similar and easily understood by any reader of Pinyin, but
> is not really the right character for the job.
> Philip Taylor
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