Does Linux "fake" bold and italic characters, if a font does not come with true bold and italic versions? Windows does this; if Linux does also, it's possible that the font you are using comes only in roman, and the bold you see in LibreOffice is not real. Just a possibility --

----- Original Message ----- From: "Susan Dittmar" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 8:08 AM
Subject: [XeTeX] fonts: where to find? how to activate bold face?

Hello folks,

I have to admit, that although I read through a lot of documentation, I
still do not graps how fonts are handled. I have rather urgent needs for
some basic features and hope one of you can answer my question without too
much trouble.

What I have: In a document I use one of the system fonts (Angor Man Scaqh),
which as far as I know is a truetype font, via
\setmainfont{Argor Man Scaqh}
\setromanfont{Argor Man Scaqh}
\setsansfont{Argor Man Scaqh}
(using the same fontface here is easier, for this special document, than
re-defining things like section headings fonts).  This works so far. Now I
would like to have some texts in bold face.  Although I can have bold text
in this font with LibreOffice, \textbf{...} does not yield boldface.

Does one of you know ad hoc how I could enable boldface for this font?

Unfortunately I cannot give you a minimal example at the moment, as I am at
a computer without xetex and without this font right now. In case it's
needed, I can make one tonight.

Related with my search for a solution, I stumbled over the question how to
find the associated font. In case of Angor Man Scaqh, I tried a full
filesystem search for filenames containing even only parts of this font
name, and failed. Looks like I did not try the appropriate abbreviation.
Is there an easy way to find out which font file is associated with a font
name on a Linux system?

Thanks in advance for any hints,


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