I did not say it is problem free. I exactly said "babel can use bidi
package for its bidirectional typesetting rather than its own (rlbabel.def)
which has too many problems.". I only claimed that rlbabel.def has too many
problems and bidi does not have these. I do not see why this is strong. If
you have used both packages, you will realise that it is a reality not even
a claim. I did not force anyone to use anything, I only suggested. You
know, nothing is problem free, if you even write 5 lines of TeX code, it
would not be problem free.

On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 1:33 AM, Khaled Hosny <khaledho...@eglug.org> wrote:

> I didn’t say it is bad or people should not be using it, but indirectly
> claiming it is “problem-free” is very strong claim given how evasive it
> is. 17000+ lines of code rewriting parts of a 100+ packages is not
> something I’d force into people by making it a hard dependency of base
> package like babel, no matter how useful it is as the whole approach is
> fundamentally flawed and very fragile, this is IMO one of the very dark
> sides of LaTeX.

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