2012/8/1 Keith J. Schultz <keithjschu...@web.de>:
> Hi Zdenek,
> I am perfectly, able to learn what I need to learn. I am perfectly able
> to program in almost any programming langauge. TeX is one that I
> can directly program in because I simple can grasp its philosophy.
> The biggest problem to all this at what is needed is so essential, that
> without the proper documentation of what has been the task becomes
> absolutely enormous.
> As has been mentioned the source and programming rational behind
> LuaTeX is not documented, at least not publically. Even if one would
> do the programming their is no guarantee that the code will be used or
> allowed.
If you implement support for Indic scripts, preferably both OpenType
and Graphite, and make it available on CTAN, it will certainly be
used. People in India will be happy.

> That is why nobody is willing or can actually step up to bat. Of course one 
> could
> always spin off, then ... ... ...
Authors of existing free libraries ad Pango or HarfBuzz know how much
work it is. I am nto surprised that they do not wish to do the same in
lua. These packages are used in many programs, the lua port will be
used in one program only.

> regards
>         Keith
> Am 01.08.2012 um 16:29 schrieb Zdenek Wagner <zdenek.wag...@gmail.com>:
>> The discussion clarifies what has to be done. It is useless to find a
>> person to do a job if you do not know what the job is and what the
>> person must know or learn in order to be able to do it.
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Zdeněk Wagner

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