On 24/08/2012 12:37, Haines Brown wrote:
> I'm migrating from LaTeX to XeLaTeX with TL 2011 on linux system.
>   \documentclass[12pt]{article}
>   \usepackage{xltxtra}
>   \usepackage[backend=biber,style=authoryear,sorting=nyt]{biblatex} 
>   \usepackage[style=authoryear,sorting=nyt]{biblatex} 
>   \usepackage{xunicode}
>   \usepackage{fontspec}
>   \usepackage{csquotes}
>   %  \usepackage{polyglossia}
>   \addbibresource{....bib}
>   ...
> I would like to use the polyglossia package, but if I add it, I get 
> an Undefined control sequence error.
> Haines Brown

Without a bit more detail it's hard to say, but I would strongly suggest
using TL2012. Development of both biblatex and polyglossia is active,
and so issues can and do get fixed over time.
Joseph Wright

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