Jacobo Myerston <jmyers...@gmail.com>

Hi Jacobo,

> I'm working on highly annotated documents using xelatex. I have been
> working with texshop, but I want to use emacs (actually aquamacs) as
> an editor because of the capabilities of the auctex package for emacs
> to fold chunks of code, like footnotes, etc.
>  For my surprise, I found that emacs 24 still does not support xelatex
> out the box. It has a xetex engine, but not xelatex.  I find that
> different people have some hacks to get it work, but I cannot find any
> documentation (step by step) how to configure emacs to works properly
> with xelatex. Does anybody knows how to get xelatex to work properly
> with emacs without having to use the prompt every time you want to
> compile?

I use AUCTeX with xelatex.  Just add

%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: LaTeX
%%% TeX-engine: xetex
%%% End:

to the end of your master file.  You may need to re-open the document
once after this edit (M-x revert-buffer RET).  Then `C-c C-c LaTeX RET'
will compile your document with Xe(La)TeX.


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