On 5/12/12 11:56, Joseph Wright wrote:

Right, so some more thinking required here. The question is what is
sensible for new content: from what you say about TeX--XeT and bidi,
using pdfTeX/XeTeX is not currently to be recommended for RTL work

IMO, this is an overly general and somewhat misleading "blanket statement". The TeX--XeT model has its limitations, certainly, but there are plenty of RTL documents for which it is perfectly adequate. Not every document requires mixed-direction math, or \special-based colour and hyperlinks wrapping across lines.

Back when I was doing typesetting on behalf of authors and publishers in Pakistan and elsewhere, we used (TeX--XeT-based) XeTeX with considerable success and without feeling at all constrained by its bidi shortcomings. But then, we were producing "traditional" printed books full of text, not colourful, hyperlinked PDFs full of math.


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