> Probably a combination of fontspec and xeCJK. I haven't used xeCJK
> extensively since I haven't typeset many documents requiring CJK, but the
> package is still being developed, unlike zhspacing, which doesn't look like
> it's been updated since 2008.

  xeCJK also explicitly targets all CJK languages, not only Chinese, as
mentioned in section 2 of the documentation.

> CCT - CCT style (there's no explanation of it in the documentation)

  CCT was apparently an early extension of TeX for Chinese (see
http://www.math.zju.edu.cn/ligangliu/latexforum/tex_cct.htm).  I don't
know what its punctuation style was concretely, but that xeCJK option is
probably aimed at former CCT users who would like to reproduce the same
document appearance.

  CCT seems to still be supported, by the way: there are several ZIP
files available for download from ftp://ftp.cc.ac.cn/pub/cct/ and the
latest dates from last April.

> There was an experimental polyglossia file sent to the list a while ago, if
> you search for platex, you should be able to find it.

  Considering that Wilfred was the one who mentioned them, he should
remember it ;-) (http://tug.org/pipermail/xetex/2010-March/016086.html).
Links to the different files were posted a little later in the thread by
François Charette, the original author and then maintainer of
Polyglossia (http://tug.org/pipermail/xetex/2010-March/016103.html).
There are apparently two different files for Japanese support,
gloss-japanese.ldf and gloss-nihongo.ldf, and another package,

  As the current maintainer, however, I can only repeat what François
said then: we need someone to produce and actively maintain support
files for CJK in Polyglossia.


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