El 11/09/2013 11:24, Ulrike Fischer escribió:

The question is: Does fontspec provide a way to set the
language so that it's always active even if other default
features are changed.

Not that I know (and the code doesn't look as if it does).

Thanks. That was my impression after reading the code, but
I liked to confirm it, because I'm not yet fluent in LaTeX3.

One could perhaps change the default language DFLT, but this will
disable the fallback to DFLT for fonts which don't know a language
and I have some doubts this is a good idea.

Something like that but not the internal default language, but
a default value in \defaulfontfeatures if the key is not given
(ie, "if there is no key 'Language', add 'Language=<current-language>'
to the list").

and hope that the user
doesn't use a \defaultfontfeatures afterwards):

An assumption I wouldn't want to do.

Javier is probably looking for general solutions that work in a
\selectlanguage command (he is the babel maintainer).

Do you have a crystal ball? :-) Yes, this is exactly what I want
(perhaps I had to make clear this point -- sorry). I've considered
a new macro named, say, \babelfontfeatures to be used as a
replacement of \defaultfonfeatures and based only this "public"

Another possibility is to redefine an internal macro -- namely,
\fontspec_preparse_features:nN -- which works in my preliminary
tests, but I think fontspec is not stable enough (in fact, this
macro has been rewritten in full in a recent release).


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