The goal is to match the Unicode bidi algorithm, because that is how the
web page displays and thus how the original author saw the text as they
wrote.  Guessing the proper language tag to use is likely infeasible; note
that the example given contains titles in Turkish as well as English.  The
safest option is probably to treat embedded LTR text in an RTL context as
'exotic' and not to attempt hyphenation.

I've heard it said that LuaTeX has "better bidi support".  What does that
mean, exactly? Should I be considering switching?
On Dec 4, 2013 4:08 AM, "Keith J. Schultz" <> wrote:

> Hi Scott,
> Am 03.12.2013 um 19:42 schrieb C. Scott Ananian <>:
> >
> > But in the XeLaTeX/polyglossia/bidi output, the "soft space" weak
> > directionality of the Unicode BiDi algorithm doesn't seem to be
> > honored (or implemented?) and so the English article titles appear
> > with the individual words in RTL order, which is a mess.  Manually
> > tagging the language of the article title is probably the Right thing,
> > but infeasible for the entire wikipedia.
>         Well, without proper tagging you can not expect any system to
>         work properly or as expected!
>         For most entries a simple script should do the trick to add the
>         language tags to the article titles.
> Hope this helps
>         regards
>                 Keith.
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