I cannot get \ThreeDput in the pst-3d package to work with XeLaTeX
(even though it does work with LaTeX). Here is an example

  \psset{viewpoint=1 0.001 0.5}%
  \ThreeDput[normal=1 2 0](0,0,0){\psframe(0,0)(2,2)}%

When I compile with latex --> dvips --> ps2pdf , it works (the box is
(see attachment 3d_latex-dvips-ps2pdf.pdf)

However, when I compile with xelatex, it doesn't work (the box is not
(see attachment 3d_xelatex.pdf)

I do not wish to use any TeX engine other than XeLaTeX, but I do very
much wish to use pst-3d. Is there any solution currently available for

(especially the \psset{viewpoint=1 0.001 0.5})

Many thanks in advance,  ^____^

Attachment: 3d_latex-dvips-ps2pdf.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: 3d_xelatex.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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