On 13/1/14 07:47, Georg Pfeiffer wrote:
Am Do 09 Jan 2014 17:27:03 schrieb Ulrike Fischer:
So it can't be something new in babel.

So is it relly true, that XeTeX is not able to apply the TeX hyphenation
mechnanism correctly to some unicode characters like „ß“?
I can't believe it.

That seems unlikely. It's almost certainly being affected by something that latex or babel or whatever is setting up.

Minimal example, to be run *without* any latex or babel macros:

% >>>>> file "de.tex" <<<<<


\input unicode-letters.tex
\input hyph-de-1996.tex

\font\tenrm = "Times New Roman" at 10pt


\noindent wußte geißeln wußte geißeln wußte geißeln
 wußte geißeln wußte geißeln wußte geißeln
 wußte geißeln wußte geißeln wußte geißeln
 wußte geißeln wußte geißeln wußte geißeln


% >>>>> end of "de.tex" <<<<<

Run with "xetex -etex -ini de.tex" on TL2012 (the version I happen to have installed here), this results in a PDF that correctly shows a hyphen in one instance of "wuß-te" and one instance of "gei-ßeln".

(People without Times New Roman would need to adjust the testcase, obviously.)


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