On Fri, Aug 01, 2014 at 08:06:36AM +0900, Akira Kakuto wrote:
> Hi Khaled, Jiang,
> A japenese user reported that the new dvipdfmx crashed
> in the following example:
> %
> % sample.tex
> % (dvipdfmx r34778 crashes)
> % (dvipdfmx r34711 works fine)
> %
> % platex sample
> % dvipdfmx sample
> %
> \documentclass{tarticle}
> \usepackage{otf}
> \begin{document}
> This is a test. \bou{This is a test.}
> \end{document}
> I've confirmed that r34778 crashes.
> I cannot find the location where the crash occurs.
> It is very unstable:
> Sometimes it writes a pdf and crashes, while
> it crashes without writing a pdf in other cases.

Can you send me the DVI file? (I just discovered that, for some reason, I
don't have any of the CJK collections installed. I'm installing them
now but my connection is not that fast...).


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