2014-12-18 13:55 GMT+01:00 Dominik Wujastyk <wujas...@gmail.com>:
> Dear all,
> As a matter of interest, what is broken in the SVN version of the Gnu
> FreeFonts that is not broken in the current 2012 release version?  I mean,
> what sorts of difficulties should users be looking out for if they use the
> SVN release?
My tests cover only Devanagari, Steve should explain the status of
other blocks. However, after April 7, 2013 Steve did some change and
Devanagari was broken. I reported the problem and Steve fixed it very
quickly. This may happen any time in the future. Imagine that a bug is
spotted in some package and a user runs "tlmgr update -all". At that
time a new revision of FreeFont is on subversion and ported to the TL
repository and hence updated together with the packages. However, the
revision is broken. It may take a few days before a fixed version goes
to the repository and propagates to all mirrors. There is always such
a risk. I would never suggest distribution of the HEAD of the trunk.
Distribution of a tag is less risky but the users should always expect
problems. As I have already written, developers sometimes commit
broken revisions on purpose. If you decide to redistribute any SW from
a svn repository, which is legal according to GPL, you must warn the
users that it is not well tested.

> Best,
> Dominik
Zdeněk Wagner

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