Could anyone explain why the continuum that exists from color=000000 to color=FEFFFF, color=FFFEFF and color=FFFFFE breaks at color=FFFFFF ?

To ensure 100% consistency between the proofing version of a book (which has marginal notes in red to ensure that the proof-reader can unambiguously identify the callouts for each image) and the CRC-ready version, I prefer not to disable the marginal note mechanism, which /might/ lead to different pagination (although tests suggest, but cannot prove, that it does not) but instead to make the marginal notes invisible by changing their colour from DF0000 to FFFFFF.

However, when I do so, the glyphs that should be white are, in fact, black. I can fudge my way around this by using (e.g.,) the colour specifier FFFFFE, but I have a pathological dislike of kludges and would like to know why

        \font "<platform font>":color=FFFFFF

produces black, not white glyphs.

** Phil (Philip Taylor)

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